How it works

A woman supervising a child using a Sunny Marker to draw a picture on a piece of paper

How it works

Here at Sunny Markers, we are all about making stationery easy. When stationery is easy-easy to hold, easy to open and easy to use, it can be enjoyed more.

Not only can it be enjoyed more for longer, but we have found time and time again that when stationery is easy, a strong sense of independence is developed, improving confidence and promoting happiness. It is the positive trickle down effect that begins with Sunny Markers™!

Each item in our range has been carefully and thoughtfully designed and developed by occupational therapists, with the support and input of other therapists, individuals with additional needs, educators and parents to gain insight into product development making to ensure our stationery meets real needs.

A child picking up a Sunny Marker with other Sunny Markers nearby

At the Heart of Sunny Markers™,We Want to Help

It all started with the invention of our original Sunny Markers™, so let us tell you a bit about how our markers work and make a difference!

  • Thickness and Diameter

    Why does thick matter?

  • An illustration showing muscles inside of a hand
  • An illustration highlighting the thickness of a Sunny Marker

Our thick pens support muscle development for all children, and particularly  children with reduced strength in their fingers and hands. Children are able to grip onto wider pens better than thin ones for a sustained time, building intrinsic muscles in the hands and fingers and enabling increased strength and endurance in all drawing, colouring and writing activities. 

  • An illustration of a happy smiling face
  • As our thick pens are easier to hold, they also reduce stress, pain and fatigue in the fingers and hands making table top activities more enjoyable and fun.

  • An illustration of a hand holding Sunny Marker
  • Our markers support development of coordination, as the thicker size means less dexterity in the fingers and hands is required to manipulate the pen, making them easier to control and manoeuvre.

  • Length

    Why does size matter?

  • An illustration highlighting the length of a Sunny Marker
  • An illustration of a hand holding a pen

The small size of Sunny Markers™ is a strengthening power tool! The small size of Sunny Markers™ helps develop fine motor strength, dexterity, grasp and endurance in the hands and fingers.

  • An illustration of a hand showing hand strength
  • The small length of our Sunny Markers™ encourages a pincer grasp and, in doing so, encourages the user to use their fingers instead of their whole hand (i.e., wrapping the entire palm of the hand around the pen). This builds strength in the intrinsic muscles in the fingers and increases control and coordination. It also supports a functional pen grasp by opening the web space between the finger and thumb.

    Developing a strong pincer grasp is beneficial to all areas of life, for example, enabling the opening and closing of zips, buttons, containers, and many more self-care and life skills!

  • A hand with a diagram showing open web space between the thumb and index finger
  • Using our short marker pens also builds intrinsic muscles in the hands and fingers, as it enables users to manipulate the pen more easily in the hand.

    This discourages users from using too many fingers, putting too much force on the marker pen, or colouring/writing outside of the provided space.

  • Textured Grip

    Why does grip matter?

  • Occupational therapists often recommend children use foam grips. Our foam grips provide added comfort, supporting children to be more able and motivated to participate in activities by relieving hand and finger pain, reducing fatigue, and improving comfort.

  • Occupational Therapist Made logo
  • How Sunny Markers™ can help Kids

  • Sunny Markers are designed to be short and thick in shape and size, supporting children of all ages in improving their fine motor skills and developing a functional and mature pen grasp. Coloring with Sunny Markers™ enhances a child’s ability to manipulate tools such as pencils, scissors, utensils, grooming and hygiene tools, and other functional tools with ease.

    Whether your child is in pre-kindy, kindy, or school, Sunny Markers help support the development of their fine motor skills, dexterity, endurance, and grasp.

  • An illustration showing hands opening a bottle, a hand holding a fork, and a hand placing playing blocks on top of each other
  • What are fine motor skills

    and why do they matter? 

  • An illustration of a hand gripping a very small block
  • Fine motor refers to the group of skills involved in the ability to manipulate smaller objects with the hands and fingers -  for example, grasping, holding and pinching. The Australian Early Years Learning Framework identify the importance of fine motor development as a foundation for children’s independence.